
YouTube is stealing your search traffic

5 min read

The Current State Of Search

Have you ever watched a video review before making a major purchase? If you’re like me, chances are you searched for that video through Google. Most people turn to Google to learn more about their interests. In fact, Video searches for “which [product] should I buy” doubled in 2018 (Google) When searching for videos on a topic, people often click on the “videos” tab to see relevant content. Typically, these videos are hosted on YouTube, which is convenient for viewers. They find what they need and proceed to watch the video without a second thought...

However, from a business perspective, this process presents a significant missed opportunity. When someone watches a video on YouTube, businesses often have little to no information about who these viewers are. Imagine having 100,000 views on your video but no data on who these viewers are, where they came from, or what else they might be interested in. This is a substantial amount of potentially valuable traffic and customer engagement that businesses are missing out on by directing users to YouTube rather than their own websites.

The issue becomes even more critical when considering the impact on website traffic. When someone searches for information in your industry and finds your video on YouTube, they are likely to stay on YouTube rather than visiting your website. Consequently, businesses lose out on the chance to drive these viewers to their websites, where they can be further engaged and converted into customers.

Ideally, when someone searches for information related to your business, your website should appear at the top of the search results, not a YouTube link.  

What is video SEO and why should you even care? According to Vidco, videos are 50 times more likely to rank high on Google’s search results than just plain text. So why is every company in the world not optimizing video SEO? The short answer is that it’s extremely difficult and time consuming, requiring technical knowledge and taking up to 50 minutes per video.  

This is where Zeacon comes into play. Zeacon has developed a solution to this problem with its advanced video embed technology, enhanced by auto- SEO capabilities. The best YouTube alternative for embedding a video on your website.  

How Zeacon Can Improve Your Video SEO Strategy

Zeacon’s video embed technology is designed to improve your website's SEO, driving traffic directly to your site instead of YouTube and boosting your Google ranking Here’s how you can leverage Zeacon to enhance your video strategy:

  1. Sign Up for Zeacon: The first step is to create an account here. The platform is user-friendly and staff is easily accessible to assist if needed.
  1. Upload Your Video: Once you have an account, upload a pre-recorded video to Zeacon’s player and press save in the upper right corner.
  1. Add Interactive Buttons: Zeacon allows you to add interactive buttons to your videos. These buttons can include call-to-actions (CTAs), links to engage viewers and encourage them to take specific actions that benefit your business.
  1. Embed the Video on Your Website: After customizing your video, you can easily copy the embed code provided by Zeacon and paste it into your website builder. Place the video at a strategic location on the top of your website to maximize its visibility.
  1. Let Zeacon’s AI Do the Work: Once your video is embedded on your website, Zeacon’s AI technology takes over. The AI works in the background to optimize your video for search engines, helping your website rank higher in search results.

The Benefits of Using Zeacon’s Video Embed

By using Zeacon’s video embed technology, you can gain several benefits that traditional video hosting platforms like YouTube cannot offer:

  1. Increased Website Traffic: Since the videos are embedded directly on your website, the user is just driven to your site. Therefore, viewers are more likely to stay on your site and explore additional content. This leads to increased website traffic, conversions and longer visit durations. With Zeacon’s analytics, you can see session level data of each user. Which means, exactly watched the video, the duration, how long it took them to click the CTA, what they are interested in, email address, phone number, and so much more.
  1. Improved SEO Rankings: Zeacon’s AI technology optimizes your videos on Google, helping your website rank higher in search results. This means that when someone searches for information related to your industry, your website is more likely to appear at the top of the search results above YouTube videos.
  1. Better Engagement and Conversion Rates: With interactive buttons and CTAs, you can engage viewers more effectively and guide them towards desired actions. This leads to higher conversion rates.  
  1. Valuable Viewer Insights: Zeacon provides detailed analytics about who is watching your videos, how long they are watching, and what actions they are taking; The whole user journey. This data is invaluable for understanding your audience and refining your marketing strategies.
  1. Brand Control and Consistency: By hosting videos on your own website, you have complete control over the branding and presentation of your content. This ensures a consistent brand experience for your viewers, which can strengthen brand loyalty and recognition. For example, At the end of a YouTube video, it will suggest your competitors at the end of the video. Zeacon will allow you full-control of all your ads.

Attract, Engage, & Convert more website visitors

In today’s digital landscape, video content is a powerful tool for engaging audiences and driving website traffic. However, relying on platforms like YouTube for embedding videos can limit your ability to fully leverage this medium. By using Zeacon’s advanced video embed technology, businesses can take control of their video content, improve SEO rankings, and gain valuable insights into their audience.

Sign up for Zeacon today, upload your videos, and start transforming your video strategy. With Zeacon, you can ensure that your videos work for you, driving traffic and conversions without lifting a finger.